
Gentle Reminder PDG Somsri Mekthon, 2020-21 Governor of D3350, Rotary International, invites members of all Rotary Clubs in District 3350 (covering Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam) and our friends in other Districts, to join the 2021 DISTRICT CONFERENCE on : วันที่ 2021-09-01

ภาพข่าวสาร / กิจกรรม ::

September 4 & 5, 2021 
09:00-12:30 Bangkok Time (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam)
08:30-12:00 Yangon Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 821 4541 1402
Passcode: 56789

As we will provide full English Interpretation by D3350 Interpreter Team led by PDG Kasemchai,

Pls spare a few minutes to study the Instructions to the Conference Attendees for Zoom Simultaneous (English) Interpretation 

Also, you may find this 1 min. Zoom Official VDO : Zoom Simultaneous Interpretations for Meetings useful. 

เอกสารเเนบ ::